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Monday, December 12, 2005

Best Mind Game Ever ( How smart are you? )

Well, actually I was a little surprised when my friend told me about this game. It's a kind of puzzle ( actually mind game ) called "God Tower".
It contains some picture and some hints. Usually web page title is a lot of hints.

Your objective is to advance to next level by type a password you got from pictures and hints. To get a password, you need to think. It's a kinda fun. I am sure you will love it.

And remember to type every password in non-capitalized letters! First level annoyed me a lot until I realised that.

Still confused? why don't you play it.


First two levels are very easy. At level 3, the game really begins. Once again, try it and you will love it.

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cool! I gotta keep on playing

on level 6, starting to get pretty painful


i dont understand level 1
its all in some foreign language

great game very challenging

first level is a mirror image not a foriegn language


?? is that it cause it not working

to get to lvl 3 click continue,type 3, and password "solomon" :P Just to help out.
Now... im stuck on lvl 3 :P

first lvl answer is "kabul" cause its +4.30gmt, second answer is solomon, cause he was king of something :P
Thougth that would help you ppl that are stuck :P

whats the answer for lvl 3?


you wlll know when u convert digital to analog

what is answer lv 4 ( all i see is chinees buidling)

level 4 is pentium, just cover the right half of those letter

Evilcat? Is this thing written by a five-year-old? Crimson Room is better.

This is one of the Dumbest games ever, first of all they dont really tell you how to play. Then U get the blowedest question, how in the hell is the 1st answer kabul. How did they come up with that
At least explain to me how in the hell u come up with the answers instead of saying your right and move on to the next question. SOME BS forreal

how did HELL did u get kabul for the first level?

Can anyone explain how they get evilcat at level three? Heck, just explain each one, yeah im a dumbass.

well for first level, just look at title bar. It says, "Name of this place". And in the picture, it is written GMT+4:30. So where is it in the world? Kabul.
Trust me, my seven-year-old brother could answer this by himself.

gmt+04.30(Kabul) man...

still waiting at the level 7 :(

any one know level 5 answer?

i would really like to know how evil cat is the level 3 answer. i figured that there are 7 numbers and converted them back to standard time. but how were letters placed to each numerical value?

i am also at a loss for level 5

if you write all the 7 times into an analog clock, they spell out letters

evilcat?? evilcaT!? how the hell...!
There is no logical answer for that... arrgh

Lvl 10 has me stumped

if you draw clock faces and draw in the hands the become letters, which spells out evilcat..

Jees people.. try using that thing on your shoulders besides a hat rack.

i am stuck on level 5 too. what is scale strict search supposed to mean?

Level 5... i'm stucked!!!

This isnt even logicall, this is just impossible, they dont even give you a hint, by the way what the fuck do you mean by draw on the hands become letters, that doesnt make sence, the pentium one makes sense its just hard to find, the first one would be easier if it actually said " find this place " which it doesnt, the one at level five is some sort of drawing with mesurements, sure il find a password for that... this is stupid

level 5 passwd is balrog, cheers!

OK draw a circle, then put 12 in the top ans 6 on the bottom and 3 on the right 9 on the left, then add the missing number so you have an ANALOG clock drawn with numbers, then convert the time to ANALOG and draw the hands that match the number.. if you take 13:00 and convert it to 1:00pm then draw the hour hand on the 1 then the min. hand on the 15, and the second hand on the 25 look at it, ans you'll see the letter E

May i suggest word search puzzels instead?

some of you may not realize this....but in the upper right corner of the game there are sometimes a button for more clues.

How did u know it's "balrog"??

LEVEL 6 pass is: train

go get an egypcian alfabet

in the lvl 6 put : train

go get an egypcian alfabet

stuck at lvl 7...

er whats level 7

hmmm i tried uninstall but dosen't work :P

what the answer ?

stuck at lvl 7

For lvl 5:
At the bottom of the picture, it says "Hildebrandt". Go search for that on Google, you'll end up on a site with many pictures. Find the one that fits the picture from the tower and the title of that window "Strict Scale Search". You'll get a picture from the Mines of Moria. From there, in case haven't read it, do another search to find what's on there and solve this puzzle!

hanged man? wtf?


lvl7 with the arrows

damnit i give up on lvl 7...

stuck on level 7 help plz

this, and many others, is a copy of the original game-notpr0n. this game was the first of a series and, many say, the hardest. get a glimpse at http://deathball.net/notpron

The thing with the hanged man, it's just because its upside down. Read the hint upside down. There you go!

level seven...what happens when you hit the shift key 5 times???

this game is freakin dumb...LMAO

still stuck on level 7

stuck on level 8

lvl y....... stickykeys

im still stuck

on 7??, dude, i just gave the biggest hint without telling you the answer

hit your shift button 5 times real fast

how do you work out level 8

i think its funny to hear all this people complian, like how do u get that answer, well if you were smart enough you would have gotten it now wouldnt you?

LOL, level eight is kinda wierd, i've got the pictures together and they form an H a U and it looks likea handgun. any ideas?

anyone figure out 8?
i've got the pictures together forming an H a U and one that looks like a pistol

level 8 password = hut :)

level 8 password = hut

lvl7 = stickykeys


cool, i just got 8, it wasnt a pistol, it was supposed to be a T

If you look at your keyboard the arrow up button has a familiar sign on it. Try pressing a few times

stuck on 9, anyone know?, it's like a telephone or something

there is 3 picture not 2 in level 8 = "hut"

cool, i got 9, kinda easy

stuck on 9

if your right click the pictures and hit play it gives you a clue....kinda crazy huh

lvl 9 is easy. i don't know why the number seven in the picture says pqs... supposed to be ps if it followed the pattern.
use this for reference - http://www.bellsystemmemorial.com/images/buttset/dial.jpg

LOL, no it's not, its supposed to be pqs. it's like a telephone, just fill in the letters that arent there

who is the movie director in level 11?? anyone know what movie that is supposed to be??

level seven is "hut" because when u put em together u get H U T

movie is "swordfish" go to imdb.com and find director

anybody know how to get level 12??

wots the password for level s1

what is tontarn for lvl 10 how did u get that

lvl 8 is hut
do the puzzle and it spells the letters

im ment 2 b on level 25 but it says level s1. any ideas y and how to get passed it

ok.... Congrats to the man who solve them...YOU ARE THE MAN WITH MORE TIME IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!..... GET A LIFE!!!

im gunna scream with this thing

how about posting hints people instead of just the answers, we get it, you're smarter than us, just point us in the right direction please. give us a chance to figure it out. thanks

how do u do level 26. i can't type iloveyou in and if i copy and paste it woun't let me go

how do u do the password of last level for level 39

Anyone get the password to level 68?

i dont know how that guy got 52023 11...the director isn't even dead yet, so i go to deathclock.com and they ask if he smokes, how fuck am i supposed to know that....11 please help

and whoever took off the answers...thank you

hey someone help on lvl 4???

what is level 5 is shows a picture of a sunset and says half a sun

i aint got windows. what can i do?

i can't find the answer to lvl 12 can anyone help me plz

12: acup
13: sirius
14: myinfo
15: iamhot
16: workdoguru
17: february / yraurbef
18: star

I'll post more when I get them. I'm stuck on 19.

i can't get passed level 1, even though i know what the password is, it still says access denied

don't just post password, tell us how you get it.

Just one thing I'd like to mention about level 1. Kabul isn't the only city in that time zone.

please dont post answers, just hints...oh to ichi see if caps lock is on...if not then try a different browser, firefox, ie, opera, etc..

19= god

how the hell do i figure out 10?

can someone explain 13

my Word doesn't have wingdings country code...

for 13, hint says on keyboard, so just make some changes to given string.

The only thing it shows me after level one is the Godtower logo and a password box... anyone else getting this error-ish thing? Or is that how it's supposed to be?

I turned all the symbols to numbers in 10, but that's as far as I got. :(

oh my god i am soo stuck on lvl 36 i have been at it for 2 days, can any one help me plz my brain just cant take this no more ARRRGGGGGGGGG >.<

Wow you made it too 36 (holy ) how many leavels are there. but congrats man 36 is a lot i will catch up to you though ... MY NEW HERO

level 36, hint is begin and there is apple. so i try apple, macintosh, computer, after quite long i realize it should be creation, but still wrong. so i try adam. wow! that's work!

Im stuck on level 71, it says Rodeo and in the picture it theres a piece of dog crap with a clown in the background juggling bananas!!! Does anyone know the answer?!?

1 - kabul
2 - solomon
3 - evilcat

1 - kabul
2 - solomon
3 - evilcat
4 - pentium
5 - balrog
6 - train
7 - stickykeys
8 - hut
9 - hunter
10 - tontarn
11 - 52023
12 - acup
13 - sirius
14 - myinfo
15 - iamhot
16 - workdoguru
17 - february / yraurbef
18 - star

S1 help please?

S1 help please?

this is nothing compared to this game


19 is god

What is 20? I think it has something to do with Line of sight, or maybe like triangulate or something.

For lvl20: First letter of each word next a dot starting at the blue always moving to the next nearest dot
For lvlS1: Look up country flags on google image search.

Anyone got any idea on lvl45?

i have no clue after the password on lvl 62 it only says god@godtower.com wtf plz help me

How do you access level 40? I got the password for level 39 but then it says '+24' So confussed...I originally thought phone codes but there is no +24 phone code? Please help!! Thanks.

help on level 33


1 - kabul
2 - solomon
3 - evilcat
4 - pentium
5 - balrog
6 - train
7 - stickykeys
8 - hut
9 - hunter
10 - tontarn
11 - 52023
12 - acup
13 - sirius
14 - myinfo
15 - iamhot
16 - workdoguru
17 - february / yraurbef
18 - star
19 - god
20 - snowinthai
21 - yahoo
23 - donuts
24 - strom

why tontarn in level 10?

Why the hell would you guys WANT to tell other people the answers?? It completely defeats the purpose of the game... Instead, you should EXPLAIN each level in question. Don't be a prick, just help.

hey i need some help on 25/s1

for 17
february / yraurbef
what the hell does that mean?
it doesnt work...

plz guys tell me why tontarn in lvl 10 plz tell me

level 26 is iloveyou

your all a rite set of propa geeks propa geeks, oooo lets all rush home from work and do this and ooo lets all sit up allnight doing it ya could a rite wank instead

ya should get a bird and have a shag

in it like ya need to live a little people

Am stuck in lvl 14,What's the "may winter a far to eater" ?
am ltotally lost,can anyone tell me a clue,other than that in the puzzle..thanks

99 levels, and then GodTower 2... and I'm only on 21.. oh well

pleeeeeease help with no. 10....i just have a really long number after changing them from wingdings....help!!


Level 10 :

change font to windings.
enter all number 0-9
cut and paste to match symbols
change font back to arial
find country code (phone) look up engine via google
enter numbers
take first letter of country
big t

how do u get the pass for 39 anyone?

help with 23 i cann't figure it out, i know there is somthing special with the capitalized S in the word "EyesS" but i have no clue!

plaaa any good and kind help with level 27

hey ... how do u get from s1 to 25 ?? help!!

how do u do level 12????

aaaaaaaahhhhh how dost thou do level 13????

yea, how do you do lvl 13, do the windows have any relevance? Someone please help and explain

I've really been trying to get this on my own, but 17 has me baffled. How in the heck did you get february? This game rocks, and I appreciate the help! As for all the igits with the negative comments...Don't like it? Don't play it.

Doh! Just noticed there are two photos for 17, damn this game is just evil! Love it!

no s1 is saintlucia
no 25 is bossini
no 26 is iloveyou
no 27 is satan

i'm completely stuck on level 33!
Help me!

this games allright but are there any good logic games on the internet that don't require egyptian alphabets and takin 20 minutes surfin the web to find answers?

1. kabul
2. solomon
3. evilcat
4. pentium
5. balrog
6. train
7. stickykeys
8. hut
9. hunter
10. tontarn
11. 52023
12. acup
13. sirius
14. myinfo
15. iamhot
16. workdoguru
17. february (yraurbef)
18. star
19. god
20. snowinthai
21. yahoo
23. donuts
24. strom (storm for Secret Levels 1)
25. bossini
26. iloveyou
27. satan
28. danny
29. cross
30. tiger
31. joker
32. colly
33. doubleeagle
34. windows
35. gesus
36. adam
37. germany
38. forever

yes there is...

it's called www.Deathball.net ...... BUT IT'S MORE DIFFICULT THAN GODTOWER (X2)

hi there cna anyone help me with level 41? i got 4 tv showing american soccer, football, news and cycling
and on each tv there's a black dot ???? what does that mean ?
i need some help please
am addictide to this game i need some help quick


try it but don't blame me cause it's a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT more difficult than god tower....

help with lvl 39... ANY IDEAS????

can some 1 help me wid lvl 39 plz!!!

what drowssap tsal level means i am stuck

i solved number 17 and i dont know the password for the drowssap tsal level

How can you go from level s1 to level 25?

pls explain level 6?! i dnt get it at all

the drowssap tsal level

the password last level

type password back to front & u got it.

level 13?!?!?!?!?!?! Arggghhh!!!! i'm thinkin of jus hackin da damn thing. can som1 pls... pretty pls wid whipped cream and sugar on top... give me a hint for the fuckin hint for tht color mirage amssacre whteva thing?!?!!?

help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lv 13... DYING... CANT' BREATHE... LIFE FLASHIN BEFORE MY EYES... McDs... lol, seriously though, wht is wid dat level... i jus need a hitn to work on.. a clue to move forward wid... a branch .. a hand... a 100$... jus tell me wht it means... those color boxes and 'on keyboard'... thnx a million gazillion...for shizzle dizzle

how to solve level 16...help thanks

ahy are you posting the answer without explanation? the player of Godtower must think not relly on your answer

level 39?

can anyone explain lvl 11?

about level 11, there is a site called deathclock.com, just enter the birthdate of the director of the movie (swordfish) and enter......voila
U SHOULD THANK ME, so any help on level 13 (explanation)

well, good!!!....reveal password without any explanations............god

13..type 'asia tri usa' on notepad..
(look at the keys above the text that is similar to keys on ur keyboard...
put the cursor in the beginning) and press the keys according to the color sequences below...

could someone please explain level 17 ?

so 39... it's liberia, but then what's the +24 crap about?


I must admit that the authors were pretty intelligent.... but their english is terrible!!! I was stuck in level 14 because the english was so bad, that i actually thought their sentence had no meaning, all that mattered in the clue was the words. Then i thought, "wait, maybe they mean water"


I need hint for level 51r

its not bad english.. if they put the right english grammar sentence, it will be too easy for you.

And password is=tanzania

level 32 any other clue

OMG 41 is dissapointingly easy
just finish the phrase in the title x_x

Now, what about level 43? Anyone got some hints, cause "The Little U." means nothing to me... Thanks. Sly.

Hey! Got it! That didn't take long...!
See ya.

Tell me hint, I no need password

Can You guys post more Passwords on all levels... i was having so much headaches on this game... thank you so much

1 kabul
2 solomon
3 evilcat
4 pentium
5 balrog
6 train
7 stickykeys
8 hut
9 hunter
10 tontarn
11 52023
12 acup
13 sirius
14 myinfo
15 iamhot
16 workdoguru
17 february
18 star
19 god
20 snowinthai
21 yahoo
23 donuts
24 storm / strom
25 bossini
26 iloveyou
27 satan
28 danny
29 cross
30 tiger
31 joker
32 colly
33 doubleeagle
34 windows
35 gesus
36 adam
37 germany
38 forever
39 liberia
40 david
41 devil
42 playstation2
43 xiaou
44 castleg
45 pasic
46 lovepatra
47 foolday
48 nukestoped
49L viracocha 49R eat
50L pyramidspinhx 50R china
51L keystone
52L pacman 52R pegasus
53L tale
54L five and to get to level 55l: two

please help lvl 20 can you explain it beter because ididnt understand you explanation

how do u do lvl 12?!

pls we dun wan ans.. we wan u guys to explain.. or jus drop us a simple hint!

dun jus post ans!

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