Shock-rocker Marilyn Manson wed longtime girlfriend

The world's most eligible cosmetics-sporting, shock-rocking bachelor is off the market. Marilyn Manson wed longtime girlfriend, burlesque dancer Dita Von Teese, Saturday (December 3) at Castle Gurteen in Ireland, a spokesperson for Manson confirmed, People magazine reported on its website.
The couple started dating nearly five years ago, and Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner proposed more than a year ago. The wedding is the first for both. But Manson did gripe about one aspect when it came to his imminent nuptials exchange.
"I got f---ed out of a bachelor party, because — quite honestly, I have to agree with her — Dita said, 'Why should you have a bachelor party? That's you're whole life,' " he explained. "'What are you going to do, get drunk and look at naked women?' And I guess that's what I do every day."
"Burlesque Dancer" that's putting it litely!
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:31 PM
didnt he have a sex change?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:29 AM
marily manson is a god and no one can take that from him f^&k all who hate against him
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:32 AM
they are so gorgeous together
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:38 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:43 AM
No, but id say a good majority of his fans did.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:44 AM
he looks like a complete douche
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:45 AM
Give them credit for getting married!
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:47 AM
who cares
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:47 AM
Its pretty bad when your husband wears more make up than you. I wonder how long it takes both of them to get ready?! (Scary)
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:01 AM
they look wicked cute together, and i'm being serious- and for christ's sake, try being just a little more open-minded
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:06 AM
Manson is an awsome rocker. I love his music. But you goth kids are losers. He dresses like that for publicity and money. Johny Cash is darker then any of you could ever wish. Grow up.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:19 AM
....finacial she's a tiger in bed...
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:48 AM
well....she's gonna have to share her make up with him once they get hitched
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:50 AM
manson is awesome....besides if you grew up in a christian school who tried to force ideas onto you then you would probably end up the same way!...i love him and his for his wife...well, too bad hes now taken but i wish them the best of luck...
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:56 AM
Personally i am not a huge fan of the guys music, but good for him...Why do other people let it bug them so much that a guy in makeup can make millions while their lazy asses make minimum wage at McDonalds? Hmmm Nevermind...The guy made his money and really has since dropped out of the public spotlight, So what do you all do? Hmm lets see make fun of him for wearing makeup, say he had a sex change, insult goth's and call the guy a douche. Well anyone who goes on tv or movies wears makeup so does that make them all gay? Sex change? ok honestly people you are really diggin deep on that one. Why insult something that you don't understand, Punks, Goths, Metal Heads if you don't understand the movement then shut the fuck up and(to quote another person on here) get your head out of your ass and go watch nascar.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:17 AM
I'd like to tap that shit.
Manson I mean.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:24 AM
good thing ditas got plenty of online porn to check out - this just goes to show that no matter how stupid you look and act, money solves all
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:48 AM
I <3 NASCAR!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:50 AM
hes awesome. shes beautiful. theyre perfect
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:55 AM
To all of the wife beatin' wearin' toothless son-of-bitches:
Well to start off I have noticed that all the people that are cutting Manson down really need to go back to second grade and learn how to spell, and while your doing that put your Pabst Blue Ribbon down and stop screwing your sister and step out of your trailer. I also noticed that a lot of the mullet wearing losers out there are jumping on the Johnny Cash band wagon like everyone else, Trent Zoo---and you spelled his name wrong also....
if U don't like it don't listen to it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:04 AM
This man is very intellegent. Fair play to a man who made alot of money off a system that hated him. If you cant see the irony in his motives you really should fuck off to texas and grow a mullet. the world does not want you people. And to think Im not a manson fan, nor a fan of his music. His new wife is kinda hot though.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:23 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:47 AM
Hey steffie. Don't hate the pabst. sometimes you're broke and need some beer. ...and i dont care about this wedding. argue about something worthwhile, beer.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:49 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:00 AM
what does he look like with out make up?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:01 AM no fan of his music at all, but he's a really smart guy, that's why he's up there, and you're down can't say something sucks if you don't understand what it's all about...i don't like goth, don't mean it he's married...but i don't know why he would, he's exactly that kind of man that would be against these kind of things...can anyone explain this? did he just feel like marying her, or is it a joke, something for public attention
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:10 AM
for all you folks that say "screw him" and perpetuate the rumours, did you ever stop to think that maybe that is the entire idea? publicity is publicity... I heard about the rib thing years ago, and I still hear about it even after the interview where he dispelled the rumour. it all goes with the facade that he puts up. make people think he's a freak so that all the freaks of the world buy his albums. pretty damned smart if you ask me.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:18 AM
The bottom line is... Manson is retarded.. get over it already.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:18 AM
um wow. do ypu people REALLY believe everything you hear. some of you need to read a book, i suggest marilyn manson's book. then youll understand a few things about him. he did NOT get ribs removed to orally pleasure himself, he got them removed becuase someone who beat the hell out of him completley shattered them and pieces were stabbing through his skin. he also did NOT get a sex change, for the idiot who said "havent you seen that video...?" yeah everyone has, and if you had half a brain, youd also notice that it was a suit. as for the rest of you fucktards who claim he's gay, how would you know? have you heard him say that, have you ever had gay sex with him? and if he was gay, why do you care? if you hate him soooo much, why do you waste your time dogging on him? what he does, is a job, dont you people have jobs? or are you jelous because he makes more money than you'll ever see, that he gets beautiful women like his new wife, and jenna jameson. if you dont know anything about something, you shouldn't make yourself look like an ass.
k thanks. bye.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:20 AM
marilyn manson is scary
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:51 AM
Frankie, could I get the cliff notes on that please?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:05 AM
the only reason why these assholes are making fun of him is to get a rise out of all the people who like him. doesn't anyone remember the bullies from high school? ignore these lonely sad pathetic people and like what you like. theres no need to defend it. let them be the ones who need to open their mind and accept the different people of the world. they will be the ones who wind up sad and pathetic because they can't accept anyone who is the slightest bit different
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:53 AM
marilyn manson is an ugly guy who cant really sing, and yet by putting a crap load of makeup on and appealing to a bunch of emotionally unstable teenagers he's found a perfect target audience to make alot of money off of.
I've heard him talk before so i will say he's quite intelligent, and obviously knows a thing or 2 about marketing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:59 AM
I swear Manson fancies himself. Also, I don't like his music because it sounds a tad too preppy. Anyway, kudos to him :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:34 AM
"The only reason why these assholes are making fun of him is to get a rise out of all the people who like him. doesn't anyone remember the bullies from high school? ignore these lonely sad pathetic people and like what you like. theres no need to defend it. let them be the ones who need to open their mind and accept the different people of the world. they will be the ones who wind up sad and pathetic because they can't accept anyone who is the slightest bit different" - Yes! Down with conformity! DOWN WITH CONFORMITY, I SAY!
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:35 AM
being a goth isn't a fad, being chav listenin to eminem, nelly and all that crap is! dnt hate sum1 coz their different from any1 else - i respect the people who are different as they have high self esteem and will do what they want and not hide behind a visage cause of someone else. go be a sheep go say others are following fads when it's just you and your hypocratic friends. learn what a fad is - it's what most people are part of - even if he is a poser he's different - unlike nelly, eminem "fitty cent" or in "alternative" music such bands as my chemical romance.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:19 AM
look, I'm not really into to Manson, but you know what, he's making someone happy with his music. I can't stand when stupid people put down anyone's music. I loathe Brittney Spears but I can respect that she means something to someone else. Variety is the spice of life. We should all be able to listen to the music that we like without having to justify why. Everyone has there own tastes, do we really need to put each other down?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:35 AM
well all i can say is he is a lucky bastard cos dita von teese is a hawt bitch!!!!! man i didn't even know they were going out!! oh well i'll have to start stalking another "exotic dancer" porn star and underwear/ bondage model is more like it .... damn shes sexy
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:31 AM
OMFG lets begoths and cut ourselfs
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:53 AM
marilyn manson es lo mejor del mundo.... ojala venga luego a chile
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:34 AM
It's called rumours buddy
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:00 AM
I dont mind, him just let him(manson)get his attention while it lasts.
my friend likes his music, but you know in todas world anyone can be a rockstar, they just need one hit!
michael is sick for all the surgery and for hinging his kid out the window. he used to look human before all the
the point let ppl do thier thing if being an ediot gets your money go ahead:) cause he has more money than us all together.
remember"the star the burns brightest burns fastest" so dont worry it will all be a moment.till the next generation of kids come along, and really surpirse us:)
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:03 AM
To tell everyone tae truth, this man needs Jesus in his life. Not condeming him, jus keepin it real. Everyone needs Jesus.. hit me up if u need more info, or a reason to why.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:16 AM
People layed off the goths after columbine, but it seems that were' primed for another. Any takers?
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:23 AM
"and the music industry ain't a job, it's luck."
This comming from someone who obviously has never been in a band...dude luck helps but it isn't the only thing you need. Hard work is still the key to secuess
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:20 AM
*Falls down and laughs hysterically at all the comments*
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:41 AM
i definetly agree with anonymous. can we at least agree on beer.
Why is helen keller such a bad driver?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:06 AM
Cus shes a GIRL!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:09 AM
dita vanteese fooking hell shes hot lucky bastarddddd
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:27 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:36 AM
Dita was the Mike Myers chearacter from "sprockets" Lieber Mine Abshmeike.
I think she looks like a drag queen, but so does manson so it makes sense.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:31 AM
I saw an interview of Manson on one of those talk shows (I can't remember which one, we watched it in a class at school). I always thought he was kind of interesting and liked his music, but never really understood him. After that interview, I have fucking respect for him. Why don't you closed-minded people learn more about him before you fucking judge?
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:34 AM
he had the whole 'sex' change in that video to be sexless, notice how he has no genitalia ?
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:35 AM
not much to say on the Manson front, seems like a smart guy who made a tonne of money by dressing up like a freak. It is kind of silly when people assume that because others don't really like the guy they must live in a trailer park. Aren't most of the people that object to Manson most of the people? I mean, I can't be sure, but i'd hazard a guess that Mother Teresa didn't like his music or his ethics. Goths friggin piss me off though. As individuals you're fine, but as a group you are probably the most unconstructive and negative people on the planet. I've yet to hear of a goth that produced anything that isn't purely superficial in nature. And it always makes me laugh how you strange americans - when trying to insult each other - tell others to go live in Texas. Where does your President come from?
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 AM
Mr. Manson is nothing more than a freak, plain and simple. its kind of funny you "goth" people say anybody who doesnt like or understnd him must be beer drinkers or trash. i amneither, i prob make more than all of you combined and i will tell you that the guy is nothing more then a freak and anybody who likes him is a freak also who doesnt value anything in live, including themselves. you guys should really get a new role model and start living in the real world.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:55 AM
Its a shocker that he is married thats for sure but maybe it will work out with him and his new wife maybe things will get even more intresting lol all i can say is good for him everybody deserves happyness.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:04 AM
haha, yah, for all the acclaimed greatness of America, it is full of narrow minded neanderthals, and I'm from America. If Manson wants to do that then let him do it, who gives a fuck? He doesn't affect you at all, I'm fifteen and it seems I have more maturity in me than most of the people who posted, who's the bitch now?
(and since I'm sure someone will point out that calling someone a bitch isn't very mature, I would like to point out in advance that it was done purely for the ironic comedy it adds to the post, your point isn't as valid now huh?)
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:08 AM
mines valid, what you said was being sarcastic not ironic you fifteen year old dumbfuck
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:20 AM
I agree with most that Manson is a total douche. Who really gives a fuck about him? And those that do think they know who he is through his demonic music and celebrity media coverage. Fukin get real people. If he's such a candidate for suicide, then he's better off dead as a martyr of satan and a releaf to the world. Ironic that people religiously follow a man who has absolutely no rational value whatsoever. Guess what? You have a life here for a purpose...stop bitching about it. The same goes for Eminem and all those other asshats.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:18 PM
erm i think he is right it is ironic, it's not sarcastic. no true metaler would listen to manson anyway. lol and is everyone from america?
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:26 PM
seriously, guys, please think about your reasoning behind your remarks. if you cant find a logical or worthwhile reason as to why you like or dislike this man, then please, dont post.
i personnally like his music and his persona and i care not for people on the internet who hide behind their computer screens. just because (we) cant see you doesnt mean youre not a douche yourself in real life. think before you post. sarcasm is always funny though, but not when its TRUE
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:40 PM
im not sure whoes worse, the fans or the folks that for some reason feel treatened by him....but its probly you for reading all this horseshit up till this point.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:22 PM
wow. Okay, I'm not goth, I used to be a fan of some of the music. do people actually still talk about the rib thing? Wasn't that a rumor in 1996? that's pretty lame to be stuck on that. And the boobs and "no genitals" thing? Tight white rubber looking suit with fake boobs. is it that difficult to really see? Or do people only see what they want to see and then just run with it? There are followers all over this, both for and against Manson. I feel pretty silly for reading through it all, but it was amusing nonetheless. I just hope for something to wipe the world clean of those who think that a rubber set of tits was real proof of a sex-change. Too much money is wasted to keep people like that alive. ;p I don't really mean that, but at the same time school would have been a lot less irritating without idiots like that filling up the classrooms.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:08 PM
Actually if you listen to the lyrics he doesn't worship satan at all, all he does is slag god off for doing a fucked job, and as for suicide, i can recall one song its mentioned in and it is not meant the way its said if you get what i mean
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:01 PM
I'd like to bring a new facet to this discussion, and that is. What is the deal with this twisted view you people have of Satanism. The Church of Satan is nothing like you think it is, look it up sometime while ur on here jacking off to nascars or whatever you do, you may be surprised. One of the comandments is Thou Shalt Not Harm Children, which i think is much better than anything cristianity has put forward. (i'd just like to point out before some smarmy bastard comes along and does it for me thet, harming children does not involve due punishment or discipline)
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:25 PM
Hey!! I have a mullet, and I wear it with class. Think McGyver... Also, there's nothing really "wrong" with NASCAR, is there? I mean fast cars going around in a circle for 5 hours might not be my idea of a great time, but it can be kind of hypnotic. As for Manson, he made all of his money because of controversy (case and point, this message board). I like his (older) music, but who gives a shit that he got married? I mean, unless you're close with both of them, it doesn't really affect you at all. You're all just feeding into this "Hollywood-on-a-pedastal" bullshit.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:18 PM
i cant believe som of u.... stop criticizin him! hes a normal.... ok.. well not so normal.. human being.. im happy for him... im glad he got his life on track and found som1 he obviously cares about.... hes ben wit her for 5 years! thats awesome! ***and he doesnt have anything to do wit us.. so why do we care?! people are gettin married all the time.. no1 could care less who they are or who theyre marryin... but if its a celeb... all hell breaks loose! the internet wont stop wit the 'wonderful' comments (like the ones i see here)... and mags have to get in it.... y cant we all stop talkin about their lives?! if they are family or ur friends... then i guess u kind-of have the right to talk about them a lil... but if u dnt kno them personally.... then go away and let them have their privacy! u'd want it too! Peace Out! lata! *LaJ*
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:43 PM
Hey there "ME" just for your information the word mullet and class can never be put in the same sentence and taken seriously!!! so when you tuck your sheep into bed with you at night just think about that....LOSER!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:56 AM
i like his music, i call myself a goth, or at least someone with some goth influence in my life, i can't understand why there are so many people that are talking about rumours that were talked about like ten years ago and still believing them even though several different times they have been proven just rumours, i also can't understand if you dislike marrlyn so much why you would go to all of the trouble of commenting on a site that is talking about his marriage, which i think is a great thing. sure, it might be a publicity stunt, but i mean so what if it is? how many marriages last in the real world these days let alone in hollywood, not just marriages either, relationships, i think if he has been with her for five years and proposed to her a year ago, then good on him for making that commitment. i think that it is sad that people that don't like his music don't listen to it and then decide because of what they have heard that his songs must be about worshiping satan, this is not true, yes he does talk about God not doing a good job, but a lot of people believe that these days, also he sings about suicide, wow, coz like that's not a real life issue or anything. i also think that it is sad or silly that people are still blaming him/ associating him with what happened at columbine, he did not incite that, it's like saying that violent video games obviously lead to people killing or that driving games obviously leads to bad driving. The idea that people that wear make up are gay is really primary school, people used to wear make up all the time in drama and musicals, it was the thing to do, so obviously now when someone does it, they must be gay, oh and of cause if you listen to him by association you must be gay *sigh* really people have you not learnt anything since you left grade six, it takes different people to make up the world, and that's what makes it wonderful and interesting, it would be great if people didn't automatically hate what they don't understand.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 AM
Did someone see my balls the other day... because coffee tastes like happy.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:42 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:19 AM
what nonsense are you guys talking about????
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:11 AM
not just america, the whole world mate, i was walking down the street the other day and some guy dressed in all black with make-up on ran up to me yelling about satan and tried to molest me, just not cool, that man is a force of evil thats for sure...
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:59 AM
Whoever said that people will trash down that which it does not understand, fears, or hates was correct. Why trash manson, 1) cause you fear what he is about, 2) u do not understand what he is about, 3)you hate what he is about... Sad thing is, MOST of those people are IGNORANT of the entire situation surrounding him. Why is he gay? oh cause he wears makeup, DID U KNOW, that MAN was the first to wear make up, why? Cause man wanted to be more beautiful... and dont blame me, this little FACT comes from MOST OF YOUR ancestral backgrounds.. so does that make alot of you descendants of FAGS? hes a satanist.. Ok, Point being? Hes a card carrying member of the Church of Satan but not cause he worships the devil, TRU SATANIST do not worship dirt, or anything else Except themselves and tha ability to INDULGE which is the opposite of the Churches Abstinance policy. The final thing is really that peeps out there are pissed off that they are sitting at home with no money, no life and no appearant success in life so they will blast that which they are ignorant of but might make them sound cool, pretty much they have a "Superior Complex" except they are Far insecure to be Superior. When people like the above two posts speak, it shames me to be the same species.. come on now REALLY, if you REALLY believe that then people must fuck with you aLOT.
oh and before anyone wants to talk shit.. At least I LEFT my name on here.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:07 AM
Still can't find my balls...who is Marilyn all really like to talk about him...I'd rather discuss looking for balls and candy canes:)
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:54 AM
I don't care if he sucks, I don't care if he's a genius or that he looks a certain way, sh*t he's made his money, and I'm happy for the both of them, I think they look perfect together.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:42 AM
Well a lot of people are obviously affected by Marilyn Manson be it negative or positive. he's success from being a freak has evidentally pissed off a lot of boring inside the box living people.
I totally am NOT a fan of his music but i have respect for him.
He has had a fucking awefull upbringing and drug induced life that just makes you wonder how he survived.
This guy is actually bloody intelligent, and just the way he talks and listening to the extent of his vocabulary is impressive.
Big ups man, he worked hard to get out of the gutter with all the rest of these crack heads, and into money infested lifestyle!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:41 AM
what does he look like without his make up...just wondering.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:27 PM
ok this is starting to piss me off for starters marilyn manson has good music he's a great singer and such but why are you saying he says worship satan he never mentions satan he talks about hating god or god hating him indeed but never worshipping satan he is an athiest doesnt believe in god the song "lamb of god" makes many words against god in a few music video's there are a few refernces to cutting indeed but he never states it to all you rednecks who are calling him gay i have this marilyn manson gets to bang that chick everyday anytime anywhere he wants so if you dont like the fact of this you dont know who you're bashing then dotn bash them if you think manson is satanic try dimmu borigr they have satanist songs tha6t are quite good i must sau "satan my master" "antikrist" and try disciple by slayer anyway manson is a good muscisian i am a big fan i wish him luck
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:20 AM
i think shes hot
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:55 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:19 PM
It'd be nice if everyone would mind their own business an get their own life. =)
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:01 AM
You guys have no life. Critisizing people you don't really know ONLINE.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:05 AM
You know every actress, actor, singer, rapper, rock star,and pretty much everyone you watch on TV. WEARS A TON OF MAKE UP!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:07 AM
to the people who say that if God was loving then he wouldn't make a hell. people like Marylin Manson and Hitler etc is why I am GLAD there is a hell. what kind of man sticks a pipe up his you know what and pees into it while performing as his band members drink his piss, and who craps on Bibles and has sex on stage, he has the devil in him for sure.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:51 PM
i am a 32 year old mother of 4,i love rob zombie,alice in chains,nirvana,stp,my 5 year olds favorite cd is hellbilly deluxe,im not that familiar with marilyn,i do like dope show and the beautiful people,it seems like most of you are arguing about what he looks like,not much about the music.if you dont like him forget him,why waste time complaining and calling him gay?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:44 AM
Holy crap. =/ I've never seen the word 'gay' used so many times. If you're gonna insult someone- do it right! Ugh. Stop insulting the gay people. . .D:
Anyhow- I'm a fan of Marilyn. <3 And good for him that he got married.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:33 AM
OKAY, well now I have to chime in. I will say Manson is probably a very intelligent man to market himself the way he has and to get so many people so frothy.
I just want to say to the person who brought up Texas. BUSH IS NOT FROM TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's from Connecticut. We don't claim him and we don't want him. He couldn't even find oil in Texas.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:40 PM
who cares. you are want to you desire to be
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:04 PM
Well, I think he is pretty cool. Not that I'm a Greebo/goth myself, I just think he's quite 'a breath of fresh air' from the normal, airbrushed musicians.
Plus, good for him that he's married, his wife is pretty hot!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:23 AM
i so fukin agree wit ya dere. hes better than those "airbrushed" ppl lyk britney spears.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:25 AM
I agree
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:26 AM
im not a very big fan of Marilyn Manson of any thing but his song, The Beautiful people is pretty cool.
I dont know much about him but what i do know is that ppl shouldnt complane about his looks coz if they dont like him why the hell are they even on this webpage about him.
Him getting married was abit of a shocker, his wife is so beautiful.
And when you really think about it, if Marilyn Manson can get a girlfriend let alone a Wife! anyone can..
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:28 AM
manson rules
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:43 AM
Okay first off. Who made you get on here to read about him? Obvisouly you like him enough to get on here and look him up to read about him. I am a huge fan of Manson myself he's a genius he has people that hate him talkin about him. He's pretty popular. He's one of the richest men alive and his wife is bangin!He says what alot of people are scared to say. That he is differnt and has differnt views on society and all that jazz and that he dosent follow the croud It's freedom of speech folks and ya'll need to notice that yeah you have the right to say you hate him. But us as fans have every right to love him and his music. I may not believe the same as he does but his music is kick ass and he is so hot i wish i could marry him! Anyways
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:35 PM
me encanta marily manson soy un gran fans.........
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:24 AM
creo que no hay alguien como marlily manson es el UnIcO DE TODOS lOs RoCkErOs
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:28 AM
he is like skool in class heheheh crack me up
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:55 AM
why did u get ur ribes taken out my e-mail is
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:49 AM
Manson has awesome music. Everyone remembers the "Columbine Shootings" im sure. Music doesnt kill people, people kill people. Marilyn is my favorite artist with is industrial metal, he is an awesome shock-rocker. And to those who dont think so, they should listen before they judge
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:41 AM
WOW thats cool....
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